Wednesday 30 November 2011

Leah age 3

Leah was looking at Jeff and my wedding photos.

She asked "So mum, when you got married were you a Princess?

I smiled, "Of course, darling"

Leah nodded "Aha, so daddy was a beast?"

Leah age 4

I had explained to Leah that Luka would probably walk when he was one. On Luka’s first birthday Leah picked him up and said sweetly "Come on then, Luka! Walk!”

Leah age 3

Leah had been picked to be Mary in the nursery nativity story. She was not too chuffed though and asked "Why was Jesus a boy? I wanted a girl!"
Luka age 4

During the Icelandic volcano disruption we happened to be waiting at a bus stop near the "Iceland" freezer shop.
I later heard Luka explaining to his dad "I went to Iceland to catch the bus but I didn’t see any volcanoes!"

Leah age 4

We were reading a children's book about all the different religions and beliefs around the world. I explained that some people believe that Jesus was the son of God.
Leah jumped up and shouted "Ooh, Ooh! I'm one of those people!”
Luka age 4

“Mummy, you were very brave when the doctor had to cut open your tummy to get me out. But why did the Doctor take me out?”

Me: “Because I wanted to give you a cuddle”

Luka: “But I was having a cuddle in your tummy!”

Leah age 6

When Jeff left his job with Oxfam he was given a photoshopped poster of Lord of the Rings with himself as Frodo. When Leah saw her dad’s photo in the LOTR picture she asked "Will his glasses not get broken when he’s fighting?"
Luka age 5

Luka was "helping" me to tidying up the Playmobil water police. He says "Take him off that boat and sit him down over there. He wants to watch the X Factor."

Leah age 4

After reciting the alphabet for the first time she smiled and said, “That’s amazing! Imagine you had done that when you were a little girl!”

Luka age 5
There was a flock of birds swooping over trees in the distance. Luka said “Those birds are being really kind-I think they’re making a picture for us.”

Leah age 3

"Mum, why do girls like barbies and boys like baddies?"
Luka age 4

Luka went to the loo on his own. I ask “Did you wash your hands?”

Luka replies, “No, because my hands are magical so washing actually does nothing”.

Leah age 3

"It's the pot of gold makes the rainbow shine"
Luka age 4 just after starting school

“Mum, why do all the girls think I’m cute and all the boys think I’m cool?”
When Leah was very little she loved books and tried to climb inside them. Once someone gave her a personalised fairy tale story book with her name as one of the characters. 
This actually freaked her out at first and she asked “Am I in there? Am I all alone? Are you in there with me?"

Luka age 5
At Tae Kwon Do Luka was following the moves for blocking and sparring. He must have got a bit bored as after a while he started throwing his own shapes and singing “I’m a little Tea-Pot”
Leah age 3
We were passing a church one day and Leah noticed a crucified Jesus on the wall.
She asked "Who's that man?"
She was familiar with the Christmas story by this stage so I gave her a potted history of how Jesus came to be on the cross.
She looked aghast and said "Were Mary and Joseph upset?"
I asked Luka if he wanted a bouncy castle for his 5th Birthday party. He said “Oh, yes-can I have one with stairs that go up to the battlements?”

Leah age 5
I come downstairs trying out a new party frock in preparation for a rare (very rare!) night out. Twirling in what i think is a fetching manner, I say “What do you think?”
Leah replies “I think you should have shaved under your arms”
Luka age 5
“Mum when I grow up I want to do the colouring in for the books you write”
Leah age 5
"I don’t want to be a mummy because I don’t want hard skin on my feet. "
Luka age 5
He didn’t want to finish his dinner so he said “There are only two spaces in my tummy and the signs say ‘Fruit’ and ‘Goodie’”
Leah age 5
"Will I be wrinkly when I am a mummy?"
Luka aged 3
“Mum, there are lots of mums come to the nursery but you’re my favourite”

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Leah age 5

Luka pushed Leah in the little toy pushchair one morning. I giggled at them having fun.

5 minutes later they do it again and this time I didn't giggle so then Leah asks: “Why do you laugh the first time you see something and then not so much when you see it again?" That was tricky to explain.

Another 5 minutes later I heard Leah laughing to herself and I asked why. "I’m just laughing at Luka pushing me cos’ I’d never seen that before!”

Leah age 5

“Mummy, were you poor when you were a little girl?"

"A little bit" I said.

 "Oh, but you must have had a little swing?"


"You had little toys then?”

Luka age 4

“Mummy, I’ve got lots of poo! They’re getting in a line behind the daddy poo waiting to come out”